Thank you! Credit card receipts will be under the name Timbre Productions, my electronic music composition site. Although I feel like a charity, I’m not, so donations are not tax deductable.
MP3 Player — To listen to this story (streaming), click the play button on the player bar at the bottom of the story frame. To download the MP3, right-click the player bar (or Control-Click on Mac).
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For a PDF of this manuscript, please make your request in a comment (below) and I will email it to you as soon as I can. Thanks for reading my work — Allen
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All comments are welcome, but only the most interesting ones are likely to be posted. Comments that aren’t posted are still cherished and fill us with long-lasting gratitude.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I, too, find this one rather touching. Tough cop, not appreciated, still secretly shows simple act of kindness.
Because of the beautifully written descriptions of the New York subway at night I could feel the cold, the stifling air, and the persistent loneliness of that environment. For me the two characters were well developed and contrasted in their differences which added poignancy to the subtle shifts in their brief relationship. This one touched my heart. Thank you.