Stand-alone graphics works ."Round Yellow Swirl Blog on Dark Blue" — Digital image manipulation. ."Solar 7" — Digital image exploration. ."Absolute Flatness" — A summary of Lawrence Sheaff's "Absolute Image" concept, in a very planar context. .Chrysanthema — Montage of 98 digital manipulations of a chrysanthemum photo. (2017 ICON show) ."Lucky's Speech" — This is basically what Lucky was trying to say. Scan with your smartiephone. Or, read the play and figure it out yourself. ."Watercolor 10" — Explorations in Rebelle watercolor simulator. ."Watercolor 8" — Explorations in Rebelle watercolor simulator. ."Watercolor 6" — Explorations in Rebelle watercolor simulator. ."Watercolor 4" — Explorations in Rebelle watercolor simulator. ."Watercolor 3" — Explorations in Rebelle watercolor simulator. ."Grey Triangles" — Digital image exploration. ."Grain Gradient" — Digital image variation for "Turbulens" video piece. wrinkles-hd Wallpaper1-hd Tech Sketch 05-hd Tech Sketch 02-hd Spiral-black-hd Phantasm-Examples-9-hd Phantasm-Examples-8-hd Moth-01-hd groove circles resampled-hd GF Spirowires 01-hd december-hd Dark Fabric Mystery-hd Crystal-hd corporate mirror glass 3-hd corporate mirror glass 1-hd corp mirror glass 17-hd BW Jessi test 2 toon-hd BW Jessi test 2 smooth lined-hd BW Jessi test 2 light sketch-hd BW Jessi test 2 cartoon-hd beckett animated dots_b06-hd beckett animated dots_b13-hd Astute-Stylism-01-hd FIUGGI30-hd 6-hd Circumscribed-Polygon-Nest-2160-3-hd AC-Width-Gradient-02-hd 365-Equilateral-Triangles-Rotation-1-screencap-hd Acid Flux Tree-hd ac 01-hd Abstract_08-hd