Thin Air

Sometimes the path is so narrow and convoluted that the only option is just to go on.

Eagle Dreams

Everybody wants to fly, and there are so many ways to do that.

Barnaby Goes Home

Perhaps we can’t revisit the past, but we can try. And in so doing, perhaps the past can revisit us. (MP3)


We all have our roles to play, and once in a while a streak of kindness, or even nobility, shines through. (MP3)

Our Lady of the Ellington

We’re all travelers, and some of us never escape life’s long series of lodgings and hotels. But for others, the resolution of a life can take them all the way home. (MP3)

Winter Moon

In the end, it’s what you’ve done, and what you haven’t done, and none of the above. (MP3)

Sunday Morning

Everyone has his or her section of the Sunday Times, with a little slice of domestic bliss on the side. (MP3)