In the Covid pandemic, #MeToo still prevailed. But is it also Him Too, or Them Two?
Thin Air
Sometimes the path is so narrow and convoluted that the only option is just to go on.
Expletive Pizza
Learning to be soldiers, all the boys and girls must also learn to be brave. (MP3)
The Catastrophe
Karma is unfathomable, they say, but perhaps mischievous is a better word. An unembellished true story of Loki, Kokopelli, or Lila Shakti. (MP3)
Little Torments
It’s difficult to do what you’re told when they won’t tell you. (MP3)
Hoobner on the Post
Even a dog’s life has its ups and downs and exceptional dogs are no exception. (MP3)
Hole in the World
Revising someone else’s book can be trickier than it should be, especially with temporary brain damage and a recalcitrant author. (MP3)